
Day Student Monitor Application or the 2020-2021 School Year

Each spring, members of the sophomore and junior class are invited to apply to become monitors for the following academic year.  


  •  The Student Council and the current group of Day Student Monitors nominate those students who, in their opinion, would be effective monitors
  • The Administration, led by the Associate Headmaster and the Deans of Students select approximately 10 students to be Day Student Monitors for the following school year. 
  • Applicants will be notified prior to June 1. 
  • Monitors will be expected to participate in training sessions over the summer (roughly once a month).

Students who wish to be Day Monitors for the 2020-21 school year should complete this form before May 11, 2020.

As you consider submitting an application to become a DayMonitor, please know we have identified a few factors / characteristics which, we believe, impact a student’s ability to be effective.

  • Monitors must lead by example.   Attendance at morning meetings, weekend programs, and participation in school events are all essential. 
  • Monitors must exemplify the conduct we expect from all of our students. 
  • Monitors need to be confident / strong willed / empathetic. This is not a popularity contest.  
    • Are you capable of stepping up (for example to stop an activity) when no one else is? 
    • Are you able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes to understand and support them when they may be struggling?

  • In the space below, please share your thoughts on why you are applying to be a monitor and what makes you a strong candidate.   Consider the following as you make your case to be a monitor.