
Reunion 2012

Page Title

Reunion Weekend: May 12-14

Now we gather, Men of Avon, Men of honor, men of will

"I always thought there were two paths, the right one and the wrong one. Now I know there are as many as I can imagine, and I can take any one I choose. I'll thank the Farm for that."

Ben Casella, Excerpt from the 2012 Winged Beaver Yearbook

Friday Night Gathering

Catch up with your classmates over appetizers at 6:30 p.m.



1274 Farmington Avenue, Farmington, CT

Cost: $30* per person includes appetizers

*Cash Bar

Class Agents

Head Class Agent

Dylan Shamburger

Class Agent

Benjamin Casella

Class Agent

Connor Doyle

Class Agent

Michael Nicolia

Class Agent

Emmet Rogers

Class Agent

Jeremy Ross

Class Agent

Ryan Yen

Reunion Committee

RJ Fiondella
Alex Johnson

Juan Mercado

Harrison Wasserbauer

Class of 2012 Featured Alumni

Who is attending?

Welcome Back Class of 2012

Reunion Class of 2012 Fundraising Goals

2012 Goal: 35% Participation

Progress as of April 28: 20% Participation

Make a Gift


Contact your AOF Liaison

Jim Detora