
We Remember

"Up, up the long delirious burning blue; I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace.

Where never lark, or even eagle flew; And while with silent, lifting mind I've trod

The high, untrespassed sanctity of space; Put out my hand, and touched the face of God."


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Men of Avon: Classes of 1940 - 1949

Hamilton Fish Benjamin '40

Peter D. Burchard '40

Roy Calderone '40

Edward L. Clark '40

Philip K. Clark '40

George B. DeSilver '40

David C. Doster '40

Lockwood R. Doty '40

Graham D. Dougherty '40

Matson G. Ewell '40

Gabriel Farrell '40

Douglas W. Green '40

James E. Hewes '40

Davis C. Howes '40

Thomas A. Jacka '40

Donald H. Keeler '40

Warner W. Kent, Jr. '40

Daniel C. Kingston '40

Thomas W. Kunau '40

Robert Fulton Kurtz, Capt., U.S. Army '40

Gregory E. H. Lindin '40

Thomas Fields Long '40

John Gillespie Magee '40

Philip D. May '40

Edmund S. McCawley, Jr. '40

S. Willets Meyer '40

David L. Mitchell '40

Richard H. Myers '40

Alfred M. Pease, Jr. '40

Oliver Pepper '40

Fayette R. Plumb '40

Peter A. Sage '40

Alexander McC Sturm '40

William Frederick Thayer '40

Harris Barnum Thompson '40

Deforest W. Trimingham '40

Lawrence M. Viles '40

Cyrus French Wicker '40

Edgar O. Appleby '41

Eric Billings '41

Charles F. Clement, Jr. '41

Charles F. Curtis, II '41

Harry C. Cushing '41

Pieter C. R Dennis '41

Robert L. Fallon '41

Persifor Frazer '41

Robert G Goelet '41

Thomas P. Greenman '41

Frank C. Hart, Jr. '41

John M. Hubbard '41

George F. Keith '41

Robert L. Kennedy '41

J. Prentiss Kent '41

William Reynolds Lieb '41

William Hector MacKenzie '41

Alrick Hubbell Man '41

Shannon Lord Meany, Jr. '41

Theodore C. Merritt, Sr. '41

Robert G. B. Mitchell '41

Dewey Nelson '41

David B. Newell '41

Thomas M. Osborne, II '41

Clement Pease '41

David McClure Peters '41

Sumner Plunkett '41

Warren T. Reeb '41

Scott H. Reiniger '41

David W. Sigourney '41

Carter B. Simonin '41

Charles S. Smith '41

Gilbert Stevens Tabor '41

Joseph Walworth '41

Wilbur L. Watkins '41

Frank Winston Wylie '41

William B. Churchman, III '42

Richard Niles Clark '42

John Abram Q. Davis '42

Robert S. Edwards '42

Gilbert Elliott '42

John B. Elton '42

Hanson E. Ely '42

Sherwood Scott Faubel '42

Frederick W. Goode '42

William G. Grainger '42

Peter B. Hewes '42

Henry C. Hodges '42

William Philander Hulbert '42

Thomas M. Jones '42

Charles Sumner Knowles '42

Raymond Laneri '42

Frederick G. Latreille '42

Frederick O. Lyter '42

William Jay MacKenna '42

Malcolm Gresham Maginnis, Sr. '42

John Samuel McIntire '42

John Joseph McManus '42

Edmund Severn Miller '42

John M. Peabody '42

Theodore Pennock '42

Peter Evans Platt '42

Clement Pollack '42

Davis Weld Pratt '42

Isaac G. Smith, Jr. '42

Samuel N. Sprunt '42

David R. Stinson '42

Charles E. Taylor '42

Fairman Graham Thompson '42

Webster Tilton '42

Marshall G. Torrey '42

Tedrowe Watkins '42

Henry W. Banks '43

Laurence C. Bigelow '43

Thomas Ryland Buchanan '43

David R. P. Burns '43

Lothar R. Candels '43

Lewis Hamilton Clark '43

Richard W. Clark '43

Donald Davol '43

John B. Drake '43

Donald Paul Draper '43

Daniel F. Gates '43

David Martin Hess Jones '43

Kendall Keely '43

Victor Karl Koechl '43

S. Billington May '43

George B. McKinney '43

Charles S. Morgan '43

Martin H. Olds '43

Hobart P. Pardee '43

Arthur William Peabody '43

Pierce Pearmain '43

Spencer Phillips '43

Clement Wright Reiniger '43

John H. Schroeder '43

David James Stanley '43

Paul Somme Stassevitch '43

James Martin Stewart '43

Hibbert M. Weathers '43

Erwin W. Westphal '43

Philip Van Blarcom Whiting '43

Edward Williams '43

Frank P. Benjamin '44

B. Carrington Bidgood '44

W. Dexter Bryant '44

Charles S. Chapin '44

Frederick Campbell Colston '44

William Cowles '44

Gerhardt H. Daden '44

Edward T. Dowling '44

Henry Farmer, Jr. '44

James S. Ford '44

Roger A. Fowler '44

Charles S. Glasgow '44

G. Warren Goldthwait '44

Irving Callendar Jennings, Jr. '44

J. D. W. Lambert '44

Jeffrey Harper Macaulay '44

Willets Paul Mackenzie '44

John G. Menzel '44

John Haskell Miller '44

Hugh M. Pratt '44

Edward B. Riggs '44

Pierre Van Norden '44

Leslie Vickers '44

Ernest B. Wright '44

Richard W. Yates '44

W. Mason Beekley, III '45

Ira T. Broadbent '45

Frederick K. Bull, II '45

Benjamin D. Byers '45

John Chandler Eilbeck '45

Harold R. Elliot '45

David S. Foster '45

C. Robert Gardner '45

Franics T. Glasgow '45

Warren Greene '45

Donald A. Heussler '45

Arthur Sturges Hildebrand '45

Richard E. T. Hunter '45

Pendleton C. Keiler '45

James B. Kenyon, Ph.D. '45

John R. Kimball '45

Christopher W. Magee, Sr. '45

Alan P. McCorkle '45

Charles L. Miller '45

George P. Peck '45

Daniel Pino '45

John H. Schultz '45

William T. Shaw '45

Robert B. Spillane '45

Robert G. Sproule '45

Peter Stephenson '45

Brooks Stevens '45

James Perley Storer '45

Walcott A. Younger '45

Kenneth Pingree Beebe '46

Robert C. Bird '46

Leslie C. Bruce '46

Gerald C. Bryant '46

James Benbow Bullock '46

Beverley Burnham '46

William Thoedotus Capers '46

Armand R. Denis '46

James A. Fraser '46

John N. Hurlbut '46

Harold W. Jennys '46

Joseph J. Jermyn '46

Thomas W. MacMillan '46

John Pratt Mason '46

Harrison McMichael, M.D. '46

Henry A. Norris '46

Richard Olney '46

Eric A. Pearson, Jr. '46

William H. Pond '46

John A. Richardson '46

Neil Glover Smith '46

Richard D. Spates '46

Peter F. Storer '46

Robert W. Thayer '46

Beverley Randolph Wellford '46

Thornton W. Willett '46

William H. Woodwell '46

Stephen John Covey '47

Frederick Gross '47

Howard W. Hawley '47

Richard A. Henry '47

Richard L. Laird '47

H. Curtis Meanor '47

Lawrence L. Mears '47

David H. O'Grady '47

Morgan Witter Rogers '47

William F. Schmid '47

Hamilton Wallace '47

Walter White '47

William G. Wysong '47

John B. Bird '48

Paul S. Bolles '48

Richard C. Fowler '48

Henry N. Larom '48

Eldred Walter Steinmann '48

George Ernest Tribble '48

Charles M. Willett '48

Laurence R. Wunder '48

James P. Wysong '48

Martin Stuart Blinn '49

William M. Clark '49

Howard Welsey Derrickson '49

Silas Kimball '49

Ellis H. Lebowitz '49

Donald W. Martin '49

James W. Reid '49

Arnold C. Rothstein '49

Richard H. Sears '49

David Van Schaack '49

C. Philip Werner '49

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