
Rethinking Race & Slavery Breakout Sessions

Breakout 3: Session Options

1-2 PM, Rethinking Discourses of Race and Slavery

Session 3A: “The N Word”: Teaching Race and Racism with Sensitivity

Location: Brown Auditorium 

Jennifer Moyer, Avon Old Farms School, “Words Matter: Teaching Literature that Contains Racist Language.”

Dr. Anita Durkin, Harriet Beecher Stowe Center, Hartford, “Discussing Slavery and Its Legacies With Young People at the Harriet Beecher Stowe Center.”


Moderated by Ray Sweetland and AOF student Jaedon Roberts

Session 3B: Subverting Dominant Narratives of Power

Location: Adams Theater

Patricia McClure, New Mexico State University, “Challenging the
Whitewashing of American History.”

Spencer Kuchle, AmeriCorps/Smithsonian Institution, “Miscegenation or the Millennium of Abolitionism, Fake News and the Role of American Visual Satire in the Post-Truth Era.”

Moderated by Jeffrey Ogbar and Graham Callaghan

Session 3C: Commemorating Race and Slavery in Connecticut—Two Views from Prep Schools

Location: Tiernan Room

Steven Davis, Pomfret School, “The History of Diversity at Pomfret School, 1949-2049.”

Bill Sullivan, Suffield Academy, “Commemorating Slavery in Colonial Suffield, Connecticut, through Witness Stones.”

Moderated by Art Custer and AOF student Jack Taylor