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College Counseling

College Counseling

As a top college prep school in Connecticut for boys, we thoughtfully guide our students to identify and facilitate the right higher learning match.

An Avon student begins his college counseling process during sophomore year – setting expectations and goals early. By senior year, he is prepared to take the lead on this leg of his journey to adulthood. As a result, our students attend some of the world’s finest colleges and universities and go on to become highly successful during their post-secondary careers.

OUR Three Fundamental Beliefs



Our role is to find and facilitate good matches between our students and institutions of higher learning.

We want graduates of our boys college prep high school in Connecticut to matriculate to colleges and universities where they will be challenged and successful academically, and where they will find the setting, the extracurricular offerings, and the campus culture both welcoming and broadening.


The college admission process itself offers students a very positive growth experience.

To be successful, a student must engage in serious self-assessment; he must come to understand his own strengths and weaknesses, his own values, and his own likes and dislikes.


It is essential that the student himself play the principal role in the college selection and admission process.

Parents provide guidance, emotional support, and the physical and financial means to visit and apply to colleges. Counselors provide guidance, information, and support in the actual process of applying (counselors also act as advocates for our students, making sure college admission officers understand our school and read our students accurately).

It is the student, however, who must take the lead in most aspects of the process: researching and visiting colleges, deciding where to apply, completing applications, requesting teacher recommendations, establishing and maintaining contact with athletic coaches or other inside advocates, and, finally, deciding where to enroll. 


Avon Old Farms College Counseling...

“Our son had all the information and guidance he needed every step of the way, including formulating a list of schools, fulfilling application requirements and meeting deadlines. We had a great degree of confidence in the advice our son was given, and were always able to get prompt answers to our questions and concerns.”

- Paul and Angela DiGiovanni, Parents



We can help! Please contact your son's counselor for more information.

Contact Counselor