opening eyes and minds, one page at a time
The English Department prepares students for college-level reading, thinking, and writing through an inquiry-based curriculum grounded in canonical and contemporary texts that explore global voices and perspectives.
In the English classrooms, students cultivate empathy through the literature they read and the discussions they have with one another and the texts. Through varied styles and forms of writing, students develop written communication skills for college and beyond. In class discussions and community presentations, students develop their voices in their own pursuit of wisdom, truth, service, and justice.
Meet the Department Head

Our academic program is designed to be student centered and to instill a curiosity in learning across the disciplines.
Avon is Where I...
“My English classes at Avon have encouraged and allowed me to find my own opinion when discussing literature with other Avonians and pushed me to find my own voice when expressing my opinion, whether in writing assignments or in-class debates. I have also become more open minded by listening to opinions of people around the globe, and I have learned to appreciate and empathize with all of my fellow classmates.”
- Jianhui Wang ‘23
Unique Experiences
Poetry Recitation Contest
Every student memorizes and recites a poem each year as part of the school-wide poetry recitation contest. Students compete at each grade level, and the competition finals occur on the day before spring break with a representative from 9th through 12th grade.
Visiting Author Program
Each year the school hosts an established author. Students are assigned to read one or more of the author’s books over the summer in preparation for the visit. Students have the opportunity to listen to a keynote address by the author and work with him or her in smaller, focus groups during the author's visit.
English Enrichment Hour
English teachers understand and emphasize that writing is a process, and enrichment hour provides a great opportunity for students to get individual attention with their writing assignments. A student may meet with his teacher during enrichment hour to gain further insight about class discussion of a text, to brainstorm ideas to develop in a piece or writing, to review drafts of current writing assignments for feedback, or to review past writing assignments to identify ongoing areas for improvement.