Student Life
"The ways in which we differ are far more important than the ways in which we are alike."
Theodate Pope Riddle, Founder
Theodate Pope Riddle, Founder
A School, A Community, A Home
Live and learn alongside more than 400 students on our 860-acre campus.
With hundreds of boarding students calling Avon Old Farms home, there is always something going on at Avon. Classes, sports, and extracurricular activities make up the majority of a student's schedule; however, there is also time to grab a milkshake from the Hawk's Nest and relax in the student center, make a run into town for dinner, shopping, or a movie, or take a trip to a neighboring school for a social event on the weekend.
A Community That Celebrates Multiculturalism
Living and learning with a variety of people helps shape students' leadership skills, interactions, and emotional intelligence.